In case you hadn’t noticed, things have been a little weird in the past few weeks. It’s a little odd to be releasing a new book in such strange times, but release dates are planned way in advance… and then you’re basically stuck with them no matter what.
Look, we get it. People have other things on their mind, right now. But if you were looking for something to read while in self-isolation, Pow Pow Press has got you covered. Francis Desharnais’ award-winning Little Russia has been translated by Helge Dascher, which means English-language readers can now learn a whole lot more about grassroot socialism in Québec from 1948 to 1968 than they’ve probably ever been able to.
You can order the book on our website or support your local bookstore, if they do mail orders. Seriously. Support your local bookstores. Don’t support Amazon. We are gonna need small shops and independent publishers when this is all over. So we need to stick together and spend our money according to our own values. Which, interestingly enough, is kinda what Little Russia is all about.
So, yeah. Check it out. But, most of all, stay safe.